Make Great Light Blog

Lupus Photosensitivity: Fluorescent Lighting Can Intensify Symptoms and Trigger Flares

Most people are aware of the importance of protecting their skin from the damaging effects of the sun. We accept that the sun’s UV rays cause premature aging, skin damage, and increase our risk of developing skin cancer.

While a good percentage of us are diligent about protecting our skin while basking in direct sunlight, we feel protected from the effects of UV radiation while indoors.

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Migraines at Work: Recognizing and Resolving Triggers

While there are many medications to treat migraine pain, or reduce the frequency of episodes, medical intervention alone is unlikely to prevent them. Doctors commonly advise people living with migraines to avoid their migraine triggers, the environmental stimuli that send symptoms into overdrive.

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Computer Vision Syndrome

What Is Computer Vision Syndrome?

Although less than a few decades ago, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) was nothing short of a made up term, it has become a big part of the lives of many people in our world today. Spending long hours and days staring at a computer screen over time causes an immense strain on our eyes, which results in the symptoms of CVS.

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office light fixtures

3 Ways Proper Office Light Fixtures Can Save Your Business Money

Lights play an important part in the day-to-day successes of a business. Unfortunately, many companies don’t realize just how big an impact the lighting in their office or store can actually have. As a result, they lose out on money, when they could have solved the issue by simply improving their office light fixtures.

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