Make Great Light Blog


Workplace Accommodations for Light Sensitivity

Light sensitivity, or photophobia, often appears as a  symptom for certain medical conditions. This can mean that you are sensitive to sunlight or bright lighting due to an underlying cause. This sensitivity can extend to  certain types of lighting as well, like the fluorescent lights found in many workplaces.

What reasonable workplace accommodations are you entitled to?

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Do office lights make you tired?

5 Ways Lighting Can Make You Feel Tired at Work

It’s not unusual to feel a mid-day slump at work. If you’ve been investigating ways to combat your fatigue, you’ve likely found numerous sources that recommend recharging your batteries with caffeine, a brisk walk down the hall, or maybe a mid-day snack.

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Simple Overview of Osha Lighting Requirements for the Workplace

Lighting at the workplace is an important factor that contributes to organizational productivity and efficiency. Researchers have demonstrated that satisfaction with lighting contributes to greater environmental satisfaction, which in turn enhances greater job satisfaction that ultimately increases organizational commitment.

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woman with curly brown hair sleeping on side in bed with white linens

Circadian Rhythm: Why it’s Important to Your Mental Health

Everyone knows how important it is to take care of yourself, but people usually put emphasis on physical health. You’ve likely seen plenty of ads discussing the benefits of working out regularly and eating right. And while that’s important, mental health is equally important for a healthy, happy life.

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