Make Great Light Customer Spotlight February 2024

Customer Spotlight: ZenTech

Mark WIlson shares his story on what happened when his company installed LED lights in his office

What Is Photophobia?

Photophobia, despite its name, does not mean a fear of: having your photo taken, cameras, looking at pictures, or of photosynthesis occurring. Photophobia is instead defined as an abnormal sensitivity to light. Those suffering from photophobia may experience pain, headaches, and suffer from comorbid conditions such as anxiety and having difficulty sleeping. Sensitivity to light can be exacerbated by fluorescent lighting.

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2024 Guide to Ergonomic Office Lighting

Now more than ever, companies have been increasingly committed to providing a healthy work environment. While most  of the focus over the years has been on posture and ergonomics, experts have come to realize that lighting also plays a crucial role towards a  healthy and productive work environment.

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Do office lights make you tired?

5 Ways Lighting Can Make You Feel Tired at Work

It’s not unusual to feel a mid-day slump at work. If you’ve been investigating ways to combat your fatigue, you’ve likely found numerous sources that recommend recharging your batteries with caffeine, a brisk walk down the hall, or maybe a mid-day snack.

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Simple Overview of Osha Lighting Requirements for the Workplace

Lighting at the workplace is an important factor that contributes to organizational productivity and efficiency. Researchers have demonstrated that satisfaction with lighting contributes to greater environmental satisfaction, which in turn enhances greater job satisfaction that ultimately increases organizational commitment.

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